I encourage the birth family to connect with the birthing process through birth art.  Here are some examples from women and families that experimented with these techniques.

Any couple interested in a homebirth should watch the movie "The Business Of Being Born" by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein.


I recommend reading the book "Birthing From Within" by Pam England and Rob Horowitz.  It has many helpful techniques that will help you prepare for natural childbirth.

"Womb With A View", By Shanna Contreras

to 10 days postpartum.  The postpartum visits will be in your home.  Prenatally, I monitor your nutrition, weight gain, blood pressure, urine and the baby's growth, position and heart rate to ascertain both you and your baby's well-being.  

I teach two classes, one during your 34 week visit and one at the 36 week home visit.  I come to you when you are in labor and stay at least two hours postpartum, or until I am satisfied that you and your baby are stable.  I return for the postpartum care as stated above.  I am always available to you and can be reached by phone or by pager day or night.  I am available to answer questions regarding normal care, breastfeeding and herbal alternatives to allopathic care.

I am available for a casual three week visit, to weigh the baby and check in if you so desire and our final scheduled visit is at six weeks.  Although I provide routine newborn care, it is a good idea to have a pediatrician or family doctor check out your baby by a week or two postpartum.  This way, in the event of a future problem or emergency, you have someone with whom you have already established a relationship.

Please call 530.412.1314 for current fee quote.
Your lab work is separate and is approximately $100.00 for the prenatal profile and PAP.  If you are Rh negative, there will be more blood work necessary, which we will discuss.  Also, if you desire other tests such as AFP screening, amniocentesis, HIV or ultrasound testing, these will be billed to you as well.

To contract my services, I require a $350.00 deposit.  The remaining half must be paid by 26 weeks and paid in full by 37 weeks.   

Phone: (530) 412-1314

Birth Art by The Williams Kids

  • Complete Maternity, Labor, Delivery and Postpartum Care
  • Well Woman Check-ups
  • Doula Services
  • Water Birth
  • Breastfeeding Education and Support
  • Nutrition Counseling

"During a natural gentle birth, a woman feels and senses the power of the birth and uses this energy to transform every part of her own being.  A gentle birth is not rushed.  The baby emerges at its own pace and in its own time, and is received into the hands of those who love and recognize it for the divine gift that it is....."
Gentle Birth Choices, pg. 14
Barbara Harper, R.N.

My services include monthly prenatal visits until 28 weeks, every two weeks until 36 weeks and then weekly until you deliver.  I do at least one home visit at 36 weeks and then at day 1, day 3, and 7 

Natural Childbirth at Home

My Services

Sacred Hoop Midwifery

"All Living Things" By William Contreras