Phone: (530) 412-1314
Susanne will answer all of your questions upon initial consultation including, but not limited to:
How is labor handled in the home?
Is homebirth safe?
Are all women good candidates for homebirth?
What is the homebirth atmosphere like?
Do you use fetal monitoring?
What is considered active labor?
Will I be given medications?
Which positions for labor are used and what is most effective?
Will I get an episiotomy and stitches?
What if my baby goes into distress during labor?
Can my husband deliver the baby?
What will you do if the baby has the cord around it's neck, is not breathing?
Can we save the cord blood?
What if I am Rh negative?
Will I be tested for Group B Strep?
Can I deliver at home if I have had a VBAC?
What if my baby is breech or I am carrying twins?
What if I need a home to give birth in?
Will I have help learning how to breastfeed?
What should we do with the placenta?